Fitness: Consistency is key

It is no secret that starting a fitness journey is no easy task, lack of motivation can really set you back as it can affect the consistency of which you perform a fitness activity.
If you are starting a fitness journey or have already begun, there are different techniques that can help you stay motivated and moving forward your set goals.
Through the years, I have heard of many techniques people use to keep them motivated and consistent and I want to talk about a few of them that have helped me in my journey.

1) Set Goals: It is key to have targets you want to reach, this is what you will strive for, and consequently, keep you moving.
2) Plan your workout the night before you go to the gym: Do you ever wake up and ask yourself “What should I do today?”Planning your workout ahead of time will allow you to have a winner mindset and be ready to challenge what’s ahead of you by the time you wake up.
3) Pick an outfit and have it ready the night before: This was a big one for me, every morning, I would waste precious time wondering around about what I should wear. Have you been in the situation where you pick an outfit in the morning while rushing and something doesn’t feel right? When you look good you feel good. I saw this instagram story from a fitness model once where she mentioned “using cute outfits” and looking good motivated her to go to the gym. Just food for thought.
4) GET OUT OF BED: To me, the most important one. Many mornings I would wake up with 0 motivation and instead of getting out of bed I would get on my phone; any extra few minutes in the warmth of my bed in an early morning were golden. But this would just hinder my motivation to get out of bed even further. I learned the most effective way to start the morning is to simply GET OUT OF BED; I know, it sounds obvious but many people struggle the most with it. The first 30 seconds might feel like hell, but once you are up and walking and putting on your clothes (that hopefully you set the night before) everything becomes much easier. Trust me, just find the will in you to get out of bed and stand on your feet, the rest will come easy.
5) Keep track of your progress: There is no way to cheat improvement, If you wake up every morning and do what you have to do, are consistent and track your workout/progress, you will start seeing the results which will motivate you even further.
There is a key thing to consider here, many of us want to see results from the first day, and we have to be realistic and understand that is unlikely to happen, consistency will ultimately show in your progress results. 

Takeaway: If we know apparent progress will come from consistency, why not adopt habits that will make it easier for us? All, some or none of the techniques I just shared with you might be relevant to you, but there is always something available to us to improve the way we do things… and that is the willingness to do what you didn’t do before.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over & over again and expecting different results” - Albert Einstein

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“Without commitment you will never start, but more importantly, without consistency you will never finish”

Denzel Washington